This page is a listing of all the Service Clubs with the Highway 50 Corridor and their meeting days, times and location, as well as contact information.
Kiwanis Club of Dayton Township - Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 at the Dayton Senior Center located at 320 Old Dayton Valley Road. Everyone is welcome and this is a Potluck, so come hungery! For more information, please contact Richard Amrhein, President, at 775-301-6034.
Lions Club of Dayton VAlley - Meets the 2nd & 4th Monday, 6pm at the Dayton Senior Center located at 320 Dayton VAlley Road. Visitors are always welcome! For more information call 775-629-2330 or email:
Soroptimist International of the Comstock - Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except December) at the Dayton Community Center located at 170 Pike Street, 6 pm. Everyone is welcome! For more information, please call 559-303-8759 or 775-246-1630.