Total Population in Dayton, NV
At the time of the most recent United States Census Survey, the number of people in Dayton, NV was 5,907.
Dayton Male Population
At the time of the last full census survey, the number of men in Dayton was 2,991, which represents 50.6 percent of the total for the community (The national average is 49.10%).
Male Population, Married in Dayton, NV
There are an estimated 1,498 married men in the town. 63.6 percent of men over 15 years old in Dayton are married, compared to the national average of 56.70%.
Female Population
The estimated female population in Dayton is 2,916 which is 49.4 of the total population (Compared to the national average of 50.90%).
Female Population, Married in Dayton, Nevada
There are an estimated 1,480 married women in the community. 65.1 percent of females over the age of 15 are married, compared to the national average of 52.10%.
Median Age in Dayton, NV
The median age of people living in Dayton, NV was 37.4 at the time of the last full census survey. (The United States average at the time was 35.3)
At that time, the number of people under the age of 5 living in Dayton was 426. There were 4,248 people above the age of 18, which represents 71.9 percent of the entire population (compared to the national average of 74.30% ). 11.9 percent of the population (700) in the community was 65 years and over, compared to 12.40% nationally.
One Race Percent in Dayton, NV
At the time of the last census survey, the number of people of one race in Dayton, NV was 5,779.
White Population in Dayton, NV
The estimated White population in the Dayton community is 5,400, which is 91.4 percent of the total population (The U.S. average is 75.10%).
Black Population in Dayton, Nevada
The estimated Black/African American population is 21, which is 0.4 percent of the total population in town (The U.S. average is 12.30%).
American Indian and Alaska Native Population in Dayton, NV
In 2000, the number of American Indians or Alaska Natives in Dayton, NV was 61.
Asian Population in Dayton, Nevada
At the last survey, the total Asian population in the community was 61.
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander Population in Dayton, NV
The number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders living in Dayton was an estimated 9.
Other/Multiple Races
The number of residents identified as “some other race” was 227, while those of “two or more races” was 128 at the time of the last census.
Hispanic Population
The Hispanic population in the Dayton community was 520, or 8.8 percent of the total population (compared to the national average of 12.50% percent).
Household Population in Dayton, NV
The household population number in Dayton was 5,903.
Group Quarters Population in Dayton, NV
Group Quarters population in the community was 4.
Average Household Size in Dayton, NV
The average household size in Dayton is 2.69 (The average household size in the United States is 2.59).
Average Family Size
The average family size in the community is 3.03 (The average family size in the United States is 3.14).
Total Housing Units in Dayton, NV
At the time of the last census survey, there were 2,322 total housing units in Dayton.
The number of occupied housing units was 2,198, or 94.7 of the total units in town. Of these, 1,632 were owner-occupied (74.2), and 566 were renter-occupied (25.8, compared to the national average of 33.80%). There were also 124 vacant homes in Dayton at the time of the last complete survey.
Median Home Values in Dayton, Nevada
The total number of single family, owner occupied homes in the community was 1,328, with a median value in dollars of 123,500.
Monthly Owner Costs in Dayton, NV
For homes with a mortgage, average monthly owner costs were $1,044 (national average was $1,088). For homes without a mortgage in Dayton, average costs per month were $253 (national average was $295).
High School Graduate or higher
At the time of the last survey, 3,406 people in the community had a high school degree, or 86.9 of the population (compared to the national average of 80.40%).
Bachelor's Degree or Higher in Dayton, Nevada
576 people in Dayton also had a Bachelor’s degree or higher, which represented 14.7 of the total population (National average was 24.40%).
Civilian Veterans in Dayton, NV
The number of Civilian Veterans in Dayton was 893, or 20.6 percent of the total population (National average is 12.70%).
Disability Status in Dayton, NV
In 2000, there were 1,103 people in Dayton, NV listed as disabled.
Foreign Born in Dayton, NV
At the time of the last complete survey, there were 498 people in Dayton who spoke a language other than English at home. This represented 9.1 of the total population, compared to the national average of 17.90%.
Percentage In Labor Force in Dayton, Nevada
There were 3,022 in the labor force in Dayton at the time of the last complete survey. This represented 66.5 of the total population, compared to the national average of 63.90%. Mean Travel Time to Work in minutes
From the most recent complete survey, the average commute time to work for local residents in Dayton was 24 minutes, compared to the national average of 25.5 minutes.
Median Household Income in Dayton, NV
The median household income in the community at the time of the last survey was $43,599. The median household income in the U.S. was $41,994.
Median Family Income in Dayton, NV
In the last complete census survey, the median family income in the community was $46,859. Median family income in the U.S. was 50,046.
Per Capita Income in Dayton, Nevada
Per capita income in Dayton in the last full census was 18,417. Per capita income in the U.S. was 21,587.
Families below poverty level
According to the most recent survey,families living below the poverty line in Dayton numbered 91, or 5.3 percent of the population. The percentage of families in America living below the poverty line was 9.20%.
Individuals below the poverty level in Dayton, NV
Individuals living below the poverty line in the community was 393, or 6.7 percent . The percentage of individuals living beneath the poverty level in the country was 12.40%.